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Lo shopping delle lingue di Massimo Acciai, Lingue di Antonella Pedicelli, Fiesta di Massimiliano Chiamenti, Città smarrita di Paolo Ragni, La parola di Anna Maria Volpini

Poesia italiana

Questa rubrica è aperta a chiunque voglia inviare testi poetici inediti, purché rispettino i più elementari principi morali e di decenza...
poesie di Massimo Acciai, Caterina Bigazzi, Miriam Cividalli Canarutto, Giuseppe Costantino Budetta, Andrea Cantucci, Chiara, Francesco Felici, Renato Lonza, Manuela Palchetti, Luciano Valentini, Anna Maria Volpini

Poesia in lingua

Questa rubrica è aperta a chiunque voglia inviare testi poetici inediti, in lingua diversa dall'italiano, purché rispettino i più elementari principi morali e di decenza...
poesie di Francesco Felici, Maria Pia Moschini, Julianna Vas-Szegedi


La favola dello spettacolo di Liliana Ugolini
intervista di Massimo Acciai  


10 AFORISMI in poesia...
di Andrea Cantucci  


José María Eguren di Enrico Pietrangeli
Scritture minimali, scrittori metropolitani di Caterina Rocchi


Marta di Antonio Sofia, recensione di Massimo Acciai
Disorder di Gianfranco Franchi
Comunque bella di Marco Boscaro, recensione di Marco Bazzato
Il fantastico mondo dei sogni di Sabina Rellini, recensione di Enrico Pietrangeli
C'è una spina che mi buca la vita di Sonia Cincinelli
C'era una volta un computer di Gianluigi Zuddas


Intervista ad Antonio Sofia (autore di "Non ti chiederò niente" e "Marta")
di Massimo Acciai


di Massimiliano Chiamenti

Once upon a time, the almighty god decided to give a party, and to invite there all the demigods and prophets that inhabited the vast regions of his terrestrial planet. his plan was that of meeting them all at once in order to know them better and have some divine fun together. he sent the invitations from his address god1@yahoo.com, and waited for the replies. he did not specify the place or time of the party because, being he infinite and eternal, these were minor details. so he arranged the fiesta with lavish preparations, and waited for the selected guests to come. the first one who received the electronic message on his laptop was moses, but moses decided not to answer because he was in a rather bad mood that day, thought of himself as old, and felt uncomfortable about the idea of being at a dancing party in the company of so many young libertines around. he thought that parties are frivolous and against the law, so he decided to sit with his beard in his hand, assuming a majestic pose and being imposing and still for his friend michelangelo to curve him. the second one who received the invitation was jesus, who had accidentally just met twelve cute boys who seemed very happy of being with him all the time. jesus thought he had to join the party, he thought it was a sort of family obligation, but when john told him there was another party, and only-for-men, in a tent on a mountain, he decided to decline the invitation, and spent the rest of the night with judas kissing him on his mouth like hell. the third one to receive the godly note through his newly installed fastweb connection was mohammed, and mohammed was already all dressed up and eager to go, when his nine wives locked him in his room, told him they had enough of his flirting around at parties, and that after all it was them supporting him financially, and that he was really too flamboyant. then buddha, known by his closest old friends as siddharta, opened up his wireless mac and saw the transcendental invitation. he smiled, but then thought that parties are too energetic and hectic for his sublime nirvana, and often full of mean unenlightened people who may sometimes give a very bad karma. so, he let the occasion go. then shiva received the invitation as a short text message in his cellular, but he did not even hear the beeping sound, busy as he was with a cosmic orgy. also, he was fucking stoned as always. last but not least, a gentle lady received the invitation, the graceful madonna. she loved the idea a lot, but she was all booked up. she was on a new world tour and had to practice Like a Virgin, La Isla Bonita, Papa Don`t Preach and Please Don`t Say I`m Sorry. no time for a divine reception. basically, nobody went to the galactic party. also, curious rumors spread on the invitations being a fake, that this was just a way of making money selling shit online, and that it was all a big conspiracy and a secret plot of the evildoers. some others overheard that the party had had a sudden change of location and of crowd, and that suddenly another dj had become the legend of the day. in the end, what happened of the fiesta remained a mystery, something that nobody knows.

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